About us

about us


Eastking is a professional IP service provider of P.R.China specialized in trademark, patent, copyright and other legal issues. It has three main legal entities, Eastking IP Agency, Eastking Patent Agencey and Eastking Law Firm, and has office in Shanghai. Eastking is now a member of China Trademark Association, China Patent Agents Association, and International Trade Association (INTA). Eastking is now home for more than 60 employees working exclusively in the field of intellectual property. They have a wide range of experiences from private practice, in-house counseling, to government services in courts, police departments and administrative agencies. Our professionals have broad as well as in-depth experience. Over the years, they have accumulatively litigated over thousands of IP cases in courts all over China, prosecuted tens of thousands of patent applications, and filed hundreds of thousands of trademark registrations.  “Eastking” means Credibility and Honesty from the East, which is our merit. Client trust is a hallmark of Eastking services. Their generous referrals are the engine to our continued growth.

  • 东正 来源于“立信东方,以诚正己”。服务特色:“量身定制”,“团结、互助、理解、包容”是东正团队的核心竟争力。自成立以来,遵循“专业、诚信、高效、严谨、优质”的经营理念,恪守“受人之托、忠人之事”的职业道德,坚持“用心服务、共创价值”的服务方针和“满足需求、与客户共成长”的发展战略,发扬“诚实、踏实、务实,真情、真想、真干”的工作作风。业务部门分为商标部、专利部、版权部、法律部、国际部和代理部六个部门,并可根据案件性质和客户需求组建政府项目、知识产权顾问、知识产权贯标、识产权战略及驰名商标项目组。
  • 东正 团队谙熟中国保护知识产权的法律法规,精通国内目前处理各类知识产权争议及侵权诉讼案件的行政和司法程序,具有良好人力和社会资源环境,服务领域包括商标、专利、版权、诉讼、反不正当竞争、商业秘密、知识产权顾问、托管和战略等。
  • 东正 在多年的知识产权代理实践中,积累了处理各类复杂疑难案件的丰富经验,已为国内外委托人提供了大量的商标注册、变转续、异议、答辩、复审、争议,专利申请、无效和复审,版权登记和保护,反不正当竞争,行政和民事法律诉讼,驰名商标认定,地理标志申报,特许经营备案,知识产权顾问、托管和战略等多方面的法律服务,赢得了广大委托人的信赖和支持。
  • 东正 总部设在北京,在上海设有分公司,美国和加拿大设有办事处。公司已与国际众多知名的商标、专利、律师事务所结为长期和稳定的业务合作伙伴,为国内外广大委托人提供全球一站式的知识产权服务。
  • 东正 现为中华商标协会理事单位、中华全国专利代理人协会会员、国际商标协会INTA会员、中国知识产权研究会团体会员、中关村企业信用促进会会员




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